Stomach·Large Intestine Center
Stomach. Large Intestine Center
Gastroenterology, Hemato-Oncology, Surgical Oncology, General Surgery
The Stomach. Large Intestine Center was established to provide quick and comprehensive treatment regarding colorectal cancer, small bowel neoplasm and anal cancer as well as gastric cancer which ranks first in the number of cancers in Korea. Stomach. Large Intestine Center promotes optimal cancer treatment by discussing a variety of up-to-date treatment options through interdisciplinary treatment. The center is also making a huge effort in treating gastric and colorectal cancers through the early detection of gastrointestinal cancer, endoscopic and laparoscopic treatment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy by utilizing the latest medical technology and equipment.

- Staffed with Korea’s top-tier specialists of gastric and colorectal cancer
- One-step diagnosis, surgery and chemotherapy through a closely-knit collaborative practice among gastroenterology, hemato-oncology and general surgery
- Established Korea’s one and only system to treat peritoneum metastasis cancer
- Selected as the first-grade medical institution in the surgery of gastric, colorectal and liver cancer by HIRA (Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service)
Specialists of Stomach and Large Intestine Center
Dr. Lee, Chae Young
Area of Practice- Hepatobiliary pancreatic cancer, minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery), peritoneal metastasis
- Current Head of the Integrative Cancer Clinic at G Sam Hospital
- Current Head of the Oncology Surgery Department at G Sam Hospital (Peritoneal metastasis, LHIPEC, Hype knife)
- Director of Anyang Sam Hospital's Integrative Medicine Cancer Center
- Specialist Doctor of International Life Habit Medicine (DipIBLM/KCLM)
- Interserve Missionary
- Researcher at the John Brown University Regional Society Development Research Instiute in the United States of America
- Head of the General Surgery Department of Anyang Sam Hospital
- Designated Doctor of Sammool Hospice
- Specialist Doctor at Seoul Asan Hospital (Laparoscopy, trauma)
- Resident at the General Surgery Department of Seoul AsanHospital
- Bachelor of Chungnam National University Medical School
- Master of Chungnam National University Medical School
Dr. Kim, Chang Hyeon
Area of Practice- Stomach cancer, esophageal cancer, obesity, gastroesophageal reflux disease, stomach/small intestine tumor, hernia, retroperitoneal disease, adrenal disease, gallbladder disease
- Current Head of the General Surgery Department at G Sam Hospital
- Certified Doctor for Obesity and Metabolism Surgery, Specialist Doctor for Stomach and Intestinal Surgery
- Assistant Clinical Professor at Catholic University of Korea Incheon Saint Mary's Hospital General Surgery Department
- Clinical Lecturer at Catholic University of Korea Incheon Saint Mary's Hospital General Surgery Department
- Military Doctor of the 21st Division at the Korean Military Armed Forces
- General Surgeon at the Catholic University of Korea Seoul Saint Mary's Hospital
- Trained Doctor at the Catholic University of Korea Seoul Saint Mary's Hospital
- Lifetime Member at the Korean General Surgery Conference
- Lifetime Member at the Korean Stomach Cancer Conference
- Lifetime Member at the Korean Ultrasound and Laparascopy Surgery Conference
- Lifetime Member of the Korean Obesity and Metabolism Surgery Conference
- Lifetime Member of the Korean Oncology Surgery Conference
- Lifetime Member of the Korean Surgery Metabolism Nutrition Conference
- Member of the International Stomach Cancer Association
- Member of the International Obesity Metabolism Surgery Conference
- Doctorate of General Surgery at the Catholic University of Korea Medical School
- Master of General Surgery at the CatholicUniversity of Korea Medical School
- Bachelor of Hanyang University Medical School
Dr. Jeong, Deok Hyeon
Area of Practice- Colorectal cancer, benign anal disease (hemorrhoids), hernia, minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopic surgery), peritoneal metastasis, thyroid disease, thyroid cancer
- Current Head of the General Surgery Department of G Sam Hospital
- Head of the General Surgery Depatment at Seoul Red Cross Hospital
- Assistant Clinical Professor at the Large Intestine and Rectum Department of Yonsei University Medical School Severance Hospital
- Clinical Lecturer at the Large Intestine and Rectum Department of Yonsei University Medical School Severance Hospital
- Military Doctor at the 51st Military Division at the Korean Military Forces
- General Surgeon at Hallym University Medical School General Surgery Department
- Trained Doctor at Hallym University Medical School Chuncheon Sungshim Hospital
- Lifetime Member at the Korean General Surgery Conference
- Lifetime Member at the Korean Large Intestine and Rectum Conference
- Regular Member at the Korean Clinical Oncology Conference
- Member at the Endoscopy and Laparoscopy Surgery Conference
- Member of the Korean Venous Enternal Nutrition Conference
- Published Work
1. Validation of a quantitative 12-multigene expression assay (Oncotype DX(®) Colon Cancer Assay) in Korean patients with stage II colon cancer: implication of ethnic differences contributing to differences in gene expression.
「Onco Targets Ther. 2015 Dec 17;8:3817-25. 」 2. Optimal timing of surgery after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in locally advanced rectal cancer
「J Korean Surg Soc. 2013 Jun;84(6):338-45.」 3. Safety and feasibility of laparoscopic resection of colorectal cancer in elderly patients
「Ann Coloproctol. 2013 Feb;29(1):22-7.」 4. Laparoscopic repair of parastomal and incisional hernias with modified Sugarbaker technique
「J Korean Surg Soc. 2013 Jun;84(6):371-6. 」 5. Impact of Diabetes on Oncologic Outcome of Colorectal Cancer Patients: Colon vs. Rectal Cancer
「PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e55196. 」 6. Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy with complete mesocolic excision provides acceptable perioperative outcomes but is lengthy--analysis of learning curves for a novice minimally invasive surgeon.
「Can J Surg. 2014 Oct;57(5):331-6.」 and 6 other papers
- Master of Yonsei University Medical School
- Bachelor at Hallym University Medical School

LHIPEC (Laparoscopic Hypothermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy)
We can directly treat malignant ascites by directly melting the cancer tissue.