Urology·Special Disease Center
Urology. Special Disease Center
Urology, Hemato-Oncology
The Urology. Special Disease Center provides early detection and treatment for cancer through the urologic oncology and provides non-surgical treatment by using the latest quarry machine to treat stones in the urinary tract. The prostate clinic conducts tumor marker testing and transrectal ultrasonography whereas the female urology clinic mainly focuses on urinary incontinence and overactive bladder, etc.

- Dr. Seung-hui Yeom has rich clinical experience specializing in prostate health and female urology (urinary incontinence, etc).
- Possible to treat cancers in special areas such as urologic cancer and melanoma
- Equipped with “Holmium Laser”, the best equipment to treat prostate disease – the first hospital to have this equipment in Southern Gyeonggi Province.
- Equipped with ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy), a breakthrough in the treatment of stones in the urinary tract
Medical Staff of the Urology. Special Diseases Center
Dr. Park, Seok San
Area of Practice- Urinary tumor, dysuria
- Current Head of the Urology Department of G Sam Hospital
- Worked at the Kampongcham State Hospital in Cambodia (As an NGO Community Service Provider)
- Professor at the Urology Department of the Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital
- President of the Baghram Korean Hospital of Afghanistan
- Professor at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital
- Head of the Urology Department at Jeonju Christ's Hospital
- Resident at the Urology Department at Yonsei Medical Center
- Intern at Yonsei Medical Center
- Recived acknowledgement from the Korean President 2017.03.17
- Member of the Korean Urology Conference
- Member of the Dysuria Conference
- Member of the American Urology Conference
- Member of the International Urology Conference
- Doctorate of Korea University Medical School
- Graduated Yonsei University Medical School
Dr. Lee, Chung Hyeon
Area of Practice- Urolithiasis, urinary tract infection, male medicine, prostate disease, scrotum and penile disease, female urinary tract, pediatric urinary tract
- Current Head of the Urology Department at G Sam Hospital
- Head of the Urology Department at Asan Chungmu Hospital
- Professor of the Urology Department of Kyung Hee University Medical School
- Head of the Urology Department at East Suwon Hospital
- Resident at the Urology Department at Kyung Hee University Hospital
- Intern at Kyung Hee Univerity Hospital
- Resident at the Urology Department at Yonsei Medical Center
- Intern at Yonsei Medical Center
- Trained at Georgetown University (USA)
- Regular Member at the Korean Urology Conference
- Regular Member at the Korean Men’s Sciences Conference
- Doctorate of the Kyung Hee University Medical School
- Bachelor of Kyung Hee University Medical School

Holmium YAG laser
HoLEP surgery, a breakthrough technology in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia