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1. Effect of lactobacillus sakei OK67 in reducing body and visceral fat in lifestyle-modified overweight individuals: a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Nutrients 2023:15(13):3074.
2. The difference in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to meeting guidelines for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening exercise: a cross-sectional study performed using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2014-2019. Nutrients 2022;14(24):5391.
3. Effect of MED-02 containing two probiotic strains, Limosilactobacillus fermentum MG4231 and MG4244, on body fat reduction in overweight or obese subjects: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Nutrients 2022;14:3583.
4. Efficacy and tolerability of cyproheptadine in poor appetitie: a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Clin Ther 2021;43(10):1757-67.
5. Efficacy and safety of combined extracts of Cornus officinalis and Ribes fasciculatum for body fat reduction in overweight women. J Clin Med 2020;9(11):3629.
6. Different associations of socioeconomic status on protein intake in the Korean elderly population: a cross-sectional analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Nutrients 2020;12(1):10.
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